داستان آبیدیک

co emergent


1 فلسفه:: همگام سازی

regards them as sustaining a visual play, which I see as cooperative and co-emergent with particular patterns of consciousness in flux in the viewing and reading of such images, and relation to the centre. The visual play relies on the generation of co-emergent con- scious processes. Co-emergence occurs both as a mentalistic internal reality in the mind, as well as in the work of art whose rules and lines, margins and texts form the material substrate upon which this consciousness, as a series of framings, is premised. especially those which utilise the frame-in-the-frame, is cooperative and co-emergent with the act of consciousness that encounters it, dis- closes and indeed structures it, much like the function of the parergon structures the ergon. It is interesting, however, that the mise en abyme thematises not only an internalising duplication, but also, paradoxically, an externalising one, and this may be transposed phenomenologically as consciousness co-emerging in the self and in the world.

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